24th October, 2009

The unexpected but welcome opportunity to exhibit selected works from my series "Paintings About Paint", in the Viaduct Cafe at Dean Clough Galleries has given me the opportunity to break an extended period of inactivity. This show will run from 24th October until 30th November, 2009, after which I will be showing work in the cafe's Christmas exhibition.

Though I have not exhibited since my greenroom show, a year ago, I have joined the 59 Steps Studio Group, in Hebden Bridge, where I will be developing new work in the coming months, and hope to be showing some of this soon; I'm currently experimenting with animation, as well as revisiting traditional media, particularly ink drawing and oil painting.


31st July 2008

The past year has been a difficult and challenging time. It has brought worrying health news in relation to my Hepatitis C infection, and demanding personal and work pressures, at a time when I was working under considerable stress toward my BA (Hons.) in Visual Art. Despite these pressures, I achieved a First Class Honours Degree, awarded by Leeds Metropolitan University. The course was delivered at the Todmorden campus of Calderdale College, and both the degree course, and the HND in Fine Art which preceded it, also at Todmorden, have been invaluable in my creative development. The commitment of the staff and the high standard of tuition, the ethos of the college in its focus on facilitating creative development, and the nurturing and supportive nature of the college community, both students and staff, have been crucial in realising my achievement in the face of such adverse conditions. Though I will maintain links with the college, I am sad to be moving on from this special place.

My installation and performance piece, Walking, Drawing, Virus, The Allopathic Paradigm And The Organismic Valuing Process was exhibited as my degree show in June 2008. This was my first experience of live performance, and my experience in terms of direct contact and interaction with the audience has opened up new possible directions for my work, which I hope to develop as I find the time to reengage with my work.

Ongoing personal pressures following my degree are forcing a temporary disengagement with my practice, however I am actively pursuing possible funding opportunities, and other financial means, and I expect to have time in the near future to devote wholly to my practice, when I hope to realise some of the many project ideas I have, and to develop new ideas and directions.

I am grateful to Dean Clough for providing me with a studio. Without this space, it would be difficult if not impossible to develop any of these projects. Special thanks to Vic Allen for this, and for all his help and advice.

I also wish to thank the many friends who have provided support and assistance; in particular, a big thank you to Rachel Sharman for all her efforts on my behalf, and special thanks to Hilly and Dan Fletcher for their help and support.

In early October, my installation Contact Boundary will be shown at greenroom, Manchester, (see Exhibitions page). I have a considerable amount of work to do toward this show, which will take up much of my energy in the interim, however I will try to maintain regular updates on this page. I expect to be present during most of the opening times of this exhibition, and will be happy to meet anyone visiting the show - hope to see you there.

David Featherston

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